Inheritance between entities

The inline comments in the code below have concise descriptions of advanced use cases.

/** * an `abstract` class can (optionally) be used as the base "template" for the entities * (so common fields' declaration is easily reused). */ export abstract class BaseEntity { /** * auto-generated primary-key (when the `onInsert` property is omitted). */ @Id() id?: number; /** * foreign-keys are really simple to specify with the `reference` property. */ @Field({ reference: () => Company }) companyId?: number; /** * The `Relation` wrapper type can be used in ESM projects for the relations to * avoid circular dependency issues. */ @ManyToOne({ entity: () => Company }) company?: Relation<Company>; @Field({ reference: () => User }) creatorId?: number; @ManyToOne({ entity: () => User }) creator?: Relation<User>; /** * 'onInsert' property can be used to specify a custom mechanism for * obtaining the value of a field when inserting: */ @Field({ onInsert: }) createdAt?: number; /** * 'onUpdate' property can be used to specify a custom mechanism for * obtaining the value of a field when updating: */ @Field({ onUpdate: }) updatedAt?: number; } /** * `Company` will inherit all the fields (including the `Id`) declared in `BaseEntity`. */ @Entity() export class Company extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @Field() description?: string; } /** * and entity can specify the table name. */ @Entity({ name: 'user_profile' }) export class Profile extends BaseEntity { /** * an entity can specify its own ID Field and still inherit the others * columns/relations from its parent entity. */ @Id() pk?: number; @Field({ name: 'image' }) picture?: string; @OneToOne({ entity: () => User }) declare creator?: Relation<User>; } @Entity() export class User extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @Field() email?: string; @Field() password?: string; /** * `mappedBy` property can be a callback or a string (callback is useful for auto-refactoring). */ @OneToOne({ entity: () => Profile, mappedBy: (profile) => profile.creator, cascade: true }) profile?: Profile; @OneToMany({ entity: () => User, mappedBy: 'creator' }) users?: User[]; } @Entity() export class LedgerAccount extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @Field() description?: string; @Field({ reference: () => LedgerAccount }) parentLedgerId?: number; @ManyToOne() parentLedger?: LedgerAccount; } @Entity() export class TaxCategory extends BaseEntity { /** * `idKey` symbol can be used to specify the name of the identifier property, * so the type of the identifier can always be type-safe * (the identifiers named as `id` or `_id` are auto-inferred). */ [idKey]?: 'pk'; /** * an entity can override the ID Field and still inherit the others * columns/relations from its parent entity. * 'onInsert' property can be used to specify a custom mechanism for * auto-generating the primary-key's value when inserting. */ @Id({ onInsert: uuidv4 }) pk?: string; @Field() name?: string; @Field() description?: string; } @Entity() export class Tax extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @Field() percentage?: number; @Field({ reference: () => TaxCategory }) categoryId?: string; @ManyToOne() category?: TaxCategory; @Field() description?: string; } /** * `softDelete` will make the entity "soft deletable". */ @Entity({ softDelete: true }) export class MeasureUnitCategory extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @OneToMany({ entity: () => MeasureUnit, mappedBy: (measureUnit) => measureUnit.categoryId }) measureUnits?: MeasureUnit[]; /** * `onDelete` callback allows to specify which field will be used when deleting/querying this entity. */ @Field({ onDelete: }) deletedAt?: number; } @Entity({ softDelete: true }) export class MeasureUnit extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @Field({ reference: () => MeasureUnitCategory }) categoryId?: number; @ManyToOne({ cascade: 'persist' }) category?: MeasureUnitCategory; @Field({ onDelete: }) deletedAt?: number; } @Entity() export class Storehouse extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @Field() address?: string; @Field() description?: string; } @Entity() export class Item extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @Field() description?: string; @Field() code?: string; @Field({ reference: () => LedgerAccount }) buyLedgerAccountId?: number; @ManyToOne() buyLedgerAccount?: LedgerAccount; @Field({ reference: () => LedgerAccount }) saleLedgerAccountId?: number; @ManyToOne() saleLedgerAccount?: LedgerAccount; @Field({ reference: () => Tax }) taxId?: number; @ManyToOne() tax?: Tax; @Field({ reference: () => MeasureUnit }) measureUnitId?: number; @ManyToOne() measureUnit?: MeasureUnit; @Field() salePrice?: number; @Field() inventoryable?: boolean; @ManyToMany({ entity: () => Tag, through: () => ItemTag, cascade: true }) tags?: Tag[]; @Field({ /** * `virtual` property allows defining the value for a non-persistent field, * such value might be a scalar or a (`raw`) function. Virtual-fields can * be used in `$project`, and `$filter` as a common field whose value is * replaced at runtime. */ virtual: raw(({ escapedPrefix, dialect }) => { const query = dialect.count( ItemTag, { $filter: { itemId: raw(`${escapedPrefix}${dialect.escapeId('id')}`), }, }, { autoPrefix: true } ); return `(${query})`; }), }) tagsCount?: number; } @Entity() export class Tag extends BaseEntity { @Field() name?: string; @ManyToMany({ entity: () => Item, mappedBy: (item) => item.tags }) items?: Item[]; @Field({ virtual: raw(({ escapedPrefix, dialect }) => { /** * `virtual` property allows defining the value for a non-persistent field, * such value might be a scalar or a (`raw`) function. Virtual-fields can * be used in `$project`, and `$filter` as a common field whose value is * replaced at runtime. */ const query = dialect.count( ItemTag, { $filter: { tagId: raw(`${escapedPrefix}${dialect.escapeId('id')}`), }, }, { autoPrefix: true } ); return `(${query})`; }), }) itemsCount?: number; } @Entity() export class ItemTag { @Id() id?: number; @Field({ reference: () => Item }) itemId?: number; @Field({ reference: () => Tag }) tagId?: number; } @Entity() export class InventoryAdjustment extends BaseEntity { @OneToMany({ entity: () => ItemAdjustment, mappedBy: (rel) => rel.inventoryAdjustment, cascade: true, }) itemAdjustments?: ItemAdjustment[]; @Field() date?: Date; @Field() description?: string; } @Entity() export class ItemAdjustment extends BaseEntity { @Field({ reference: () => Item }) itemId?: number; @ManyToOne() item?: Item; @Field() number?: number; @Field() buyPrice?: number; @Field({ reference: () => Storehouse }) storehouseId?: number; @ManyToOne() storehouse?: Storehouse; @Field({ reference: () => InventoryAdjustment }) inventoryAdjustmentId?: number; @ManyToOne() inventoryAdjustment?: InventoryAdjustment; }